During the winter months, natural hair can become very dry and brittle which is the #1 cause of breakage which hinders length retention. Protective styling is a great way to shield the hair from the harsh natural elements that can stagnate the growing process.
My "go to" protective style is Senegalese twists also known as Havana twists or Marley twists. They are not only easy to install and remove but they are also very flattering on most face shapes. These can be done yourself, there are plenty tutorials on YouTube, check out NikkiMae2003. I prefer to have mine professionally done. Since I am in the northeast US, I chose Diva Amina in Newark, NJ. There are many salons in many areas that can install these twists for you. Pricing and Styles may vary.
My size of choice is pretty large. They can be done smaller or larger. I had mine in during the summer months. They were convenient for traveling, not having to do my hair every day, being in and out of the pool, etc. My natural hair was protected from the chlorine water, the salt water, the humidity, etc.
What is your protective hairstyle of choice? Is it one you create yourself? Do you get it done at a salon? What are your thoughts on natural hair and non natural hair stylists?
Let's talk about it!